Hear success stories straight from our clients

Thank you Diana and Be Discovered.
Because of you I've made it this far.
I love you guys so much!
Because of you I've made it this far.
I love you guys so much!
Will Thomas So You Think You Can Dance finalist. 6 time Be Discovered alumni

Thank you once again for everything. Means a lot to me for all this success that is happening in my life... it's something that I always dreamt about.
Mercedes Guzikowski Summer in L.A. Dancer/Actress

Don't stop doing what you're doing with Be Discovered. I'm sure it's a lot of work but from what I saw it's worth it. Believe me, I wish there were programs like yours when I was a kid growing up. Just awesome! Keep Groovin'!
Bradley 'Shooz' Rapier Founder/Director of The Groovaloos

Working with Diana has been the greatest experience I have had in the industry. Not only is she there for you with your career but she has been there for me through thick and thin. She helps me make wise decisions and is always willing to teach you the inside outs of the industry. She is determined, focused and driven and definitely someone you want on your team. She wants to see her clients succeed.
Dayo Ade Actor Degrassi High, Lost, Las Vegas, Star Trek

Be Discovered is a 1st class advantage for up & coming dancers.
Grover Dale Tony & Emmy nominated choreographer

On the Real, thank you sooo much Diana! Because of your advice & help I was able to get Kevin Levine as my lawyer and this Friday we are sending my info off to immigration and should have it within 1-2 weeks max. I also joined BLOC dance agency in L.A., so it seems everything is going smoothly.
Tré Armstrong Dancer

I would just like to thank you for getting me involved with this Hilary Duff movie. I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST! It was "SO" much fun! And I was "Very" Excited to be able to see Hilary. Again thank you so much, I really enjoyed my time there.
Aimee Mercer 2-time Summer in L.A. dancer

It was our pleasure to have you at our studio to host such a great event. Everyone enjoyed themselves and I’m sure the experience of having such a wonderful choreographer in their class was quite exciting. I would like to thank you for keeping your word on what was offered to the kids. The autographed picture of Shotyme and T-Shirts were a hit and the lunches were very well thought out. It's nice to see someone else preach being healthy and nutrition to our dancers. I also want to thank you for the exposure you brought to our studio through media.
Lori and Dave Cacciotti Happiness…Is Dancing studio directors

I had a real good time in L.A I learn so much about the industry and about me. I feel like I ‘ve been there for one year cause I learned so much. I really want to let you know that you are one of the most professional person that I've seen in the business. Diana, you are an inspiration for me as a business woman. Thank you again for everything. I can work or travel with Be discovered in the near future...
Marie-Odile Haince - Le Bel Quebec Dancer and District MAO owner.

Thank you for giving me the opportunities you have. They have been great experiences and allowed me to feel somewhat of a celebrity, but more importantly give me a taste of my dream... Corny as it may be. Acting is my first and biggest passion, I don't care if I am in the spotlight or walking in the background pretending to be a student, it's fun for me either way.
Nick Mirka Actor

If you’re looking for the perfect opportunity to visit any one of your favorite cities
(New York, L.A. etc) and experience either from an up-and-coming dancer’s perspective, then THE BROADWAY AND SUMMER IN LA experience is/are a-once (or more)-in-a-life time(s) experience you cannot miss! As a parent of a young adult wishing to explore the possibilities of a career in dance, nothing can be better organized, structured, and supervised than a week with the BE DISCOVERED “BROADWAY BOUND EXPERIENCE” OR “SUMMER IN L.A. EXPERIENCE”. Making the right connections and tightly knitting your network of people in the dance industry is simplified by the excellent planning and professional abilities demonstrated by the Be Discovered team, headed by Diana Uribe. Moreover, knowing that your child is eating healthy food and staying in great hotels (all included in the cost of this experience) are a plus, plus,plus. High recommendations are hereby attested to by a very satisfied parent and supporter of the above dance experiences prepared by the Be Discovered team,
which were attended by both my dancer daughters. We look
(New York, L.A. etc) and experience either from an up-and-coming dancer’s perspective, then THE BROADWAY AND SUMMER IN LA experience is/are a-once (or more)-in-a-life time(s) experience you cannot miss! As a parent of a young adult wishing to explore the possibilities of a career in dance, nothing can be better organized, structured, and supervised than a week with the BE DISCOVERED “BROADWAY BOUND EXPERIENCE” OR “SUMMER IN L.A. EXPERIENCE”. Making the right connections and tightly knitting your network of people in the dance industry is simplified by the excellent planning and professional abilities demonstrated by the Be Discovered team, headed by Diana Uribe. Moreover, knowing that your child is eating healthy food and staying in great hotels (all included in the cost of this experience) are a plus, plus,plus. High recommendations are hereby attested to by a very satisfied parent and supporter of the above dance experiences prepared by the Be Discovered team,
which were attended by both my dancer daughters. We look
Luisa Sassano Quebec Dance mom & EXTRAVADANZA Owner

I spent one week of my summer of 2009 in L.A. with Be Discovered and that week has changed who I am as a dancer and as a person. Before I left, I would always write or say that this program was going to be a once in a lifetime experience.
Jordan Gibbins Summer in L.A. Dancer
I recently visited Los Angeles with Be Discovered based out of Toronto. Every summer they have Summer in L.A. that gives Canadian dancers the chance to experience L.A’s professional dance.
Cassandra Tarrataca Summer in L.A. Dancer
The two of us loved working with Be Discovered and Diana. They have created so many amazing memories for us and have made some of our dreams come true!
Michael and Kevin Scheitzbach Aka Flow XS Summer in L.A and N.Y Performance Intensive Dancers

Cris loved Billy Elliot and the Ride, and the dance classes especially the choreographers, she loved them. Got really close with her roomates and has great story memories to tell. Thank you
Liz Prosperi Mom of Cristine Prosperi Broadway Bound dancer and Degrassi Actress

Broadway Bound was one of the most amazing experiences of my dance career. I learnt so much. All of the instructors were incredible and really had a passion for dance that they passed on. Not only was all of the dancing fun and inspirational, but the outings we had were also a big part of the trip. We got to talk to the choreographers and other dancers, and see performances that were absolutely amazing. Be Discovered gave me a lot to be thankful for. We were taught so much during the whole trip and I will never forget any of it, or the friends I made.
Keri Post 2 time Broadway Bound! Dancer

I had never experienced anything like that before, and don’t think I would have ever had such a chance without Be Discovered. I’m so grateful for the opportunities that I was afforded during the Summer in L.A. and Broadway Bound experiences thanks to Diana Uribe and the entire Be Discovered team. I am ready to do it again any time. I definitely recommend these two trips for anyone who wants a taste of what it’s like to be in the dance industry.
Cara Carosielli Summer in L.A. and Broadway Bound! Dancer

Dancing plays a big part in my life and being able to have participated in the Be Discovered Broadway Bound was very exciting. I was able to meet lots of great teachers and choreographers thanks to the organisation and planning of the Be Discovered team! Learning new things, having a great time, eating healthy all in a safe environment was really a treat. All aspiring dancers would really enjoy this experience!
Andria Carosielli Broadway Bound! Dancer

Thank you soo much for this AMAZING opportunity and experience. The whole week went by so fast, I didn't want it to end :( I learned so much about the industry, but more importantly about myself. SILA was an amazing experience and helped me get out of my comfort level and grow more independently. Thank you once again and I hope to work or travel with Be Discovered in the future.
Peter D'Souza Summer in L.A. Dancer

It was an experience that I will take with me forever. I could not be happier about what I experienced in S.I.L.A. The food was great, the people were awesome and the dancing was amazing. This program helped me figure out what I want to do and have to do to pursue my dance career.
Axel Villamil 3 Time Summer in L.A. dancer

You are honestly shaping the dance world with this program educating dancers and pushing them to be the best they can be. I am so fortunate to have found out about Be Discovered because it has changed the way I think about dance. It has motivated and inspired me to work to my fullest potential while boosting my self esteem and thickening my skin to deal with the harshness of the industry. What I have gained from that one week will affect me I think for a long time to come.
Jessica Lynch Summer in L.A. Dancer

THANK YOU! Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You! Thank you for allowing this trip to be possible and all the work you put into it. Without you I would not have been able to have this experience and would not be now so understanding of the life that dancers in the industry live, knowledge that it truly irreplaceable. I took every moment, every conversation and every lesson extremely seriously. I came home from this trip a changed dancer. I truly thank you so much for initiating all of this.
Sarah Badham Broadway Bound! Dancer

I had the time of my life! I've grown as a person and a dancer in just that short amount of time. Your program is the greatest gift any dancer could receive and I truly value every second I spent in LA.
Kira Li Summer in L.A Dancer

The trip this year was amazing. I feel very blessed that I got to work with and meet the people that I did. You have helped me grow so much in the past four years with everything you've provided me. Compared to the first SILA I attended, I felt so much more stronger physically and mentally this time round. Attending your programs, I feel like I am capable of doing so much more than I was able to before.
Savanna Schulz Broadway Bound! Dancer and 5 time Summer in L.A. Dancer

It was definitely one of the most memorable experiences of my life!
Jessie Levine Summer in L.A. Dancer

The food was good, the dance classes were very cool. I made a lot of new friends.
Jason Lister Summer in L.A. Dancer

Summer in LA was the best experience I ever had. It is what every dancer needs to further their knowledge in the entertainment industry and further develop their skills as a great dancer.
Cynthia Appiah 2 time Summer in LA Dancer

I understand now that the competition in this industry is cut-throat and that you have given me a glimpse into what my future may be like. I think that SILA was amazing and that the experience that it was given is life-changing. I had the opportunity to participate in things that would never happen in a lifetime. Thank you for the life-altering experience.
Tuan Chau, Summer in L.A. Dancer

Amazing event for dancers to get the chance to be apart of a amazing opportunity that we wouldn't of got without SILA. It gave me the opportunity to dance and train at amazing studios with amazing choreographers. The information that i learnt about heath and the industry of dance allowed me to be aware of the important matters and what it takes to become a professional or working dancer. It was a life changing and unforgettable event.
Mario Fugnitto Summer in L.A. Dancer

Thank you so much for creating the Summer in LA program and giving young dancers like myself the opportunity to learn about the industry. This was an unforgettable week and the amount of knowledge I have gained was amazing. I finished the week feeling that I have grown as a dancer and as an individual. I look forward to attending throughout the years to come.
Ashley Archer Summer in L.A Dancer

I got to see things we never would imagine. The mountains, the palm trees and night life scenery at the city walk was picture perfect. Lauren loved everything! She made some wonderful friends that she will keep in contact with. The training was awesome!!! It really was an inspiration for her.
Lauren Peletier, Mom of Lauren, Summer in LA Dancer

Be Discovered ~ Broadway Bound ~ Best Dance Break Ever! I could have not thought of any other way then to have spent my Christmas vacation participating in this program. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants the opportunity to be challenged and who wants to get in touch with the reality of what the dance business is like. I had the time of my life and learning from my experience I am working on my weaknesses and building on my strengths. I found that this program challenged not only my mind, body but my spirit as well. It was the chance of a life time and I had to take it! I took this program as an opportunity to learn and challenge myself and wow was it ever! Diana was very professional and very helpful when it came to providing the support we needed throughout the program.
Jay Naik Broadway Bound! Dancer

I never really knew how the industry works but with summer in L. A i got every single detail I needed to know! And now because of this, i really know what I want to do in life.
Briana Baker Summer in LA Dancer

I cannot say enough about this program, it’s just amazing!!!!! Definitely worth every penny! Through this we made friends, we got to know each other well and most importantly, we worked as a group, as a FAMILY! We have learnt to help each other, and most of all respect our colleagues, our teachers and all of the people.
Eleni Ioannou 2 time Summer in LA and 1 time Broadway Bound! dancer

Diana, I’ll always thank you and Amelia because you let me live this experience, Amelia by giving me the scholarship and you by organizing everything. It made me know and understand more things. I learnt a lot of things, I had so much information and I’m really happy about that. I’m happy also because I had the opportunity to meet and talk with persons who are involved in show business, and so learn form them and also learn from you. This experience was very useful and informative and moreover I met wonderful people So… It was a great experience!
Nicole Chierico – Summer in L.A and Broadway Bound! Dancer

WOAO! everything was just a WOAO factor for me. For a dancer, who's passionate about taking this a life career it is truly life changing if you have the oportunity to do this and hear words from specialists in the area that also inspire you in real life. Because it will only help you grow, and realized what you really want and desire. You took care of us really good.
Melissa Perez Summer in L.A Dancer

She came home with a much better understanding of the dance profession and in her words: how hard it is going to be to make it - but I want to do it! The true benefit of the program shows in her new determination to do what it takes to be successful - this new attitude evident by her director upon her return. All in all a valuable experience and one we would recommend to others!
Jane Duchscher Mom of Marissa Summer in LA Dancer

Thank you for letting me be a part of this great experience. It was an awesome thing to be a part of and I would definitely think of doing it again. I learned so much, and will carry those lessons through my whole dance career. The photo shoot was awesome, and I loved meeting Carmit from The Pussycat Dolls.
Tina Trowbridge Summer in L.A. Dancer

Thank you for this amazing experience and opportunity. Everything that I have learned from this program will stay with me forever. Overall, I loved the program.
Jamie Trowbridge Summer in L.A. Dancer

My mom and I thank you for the opportunities that you have given me. I wouldn’t have imagined that I would have gone to L.A. and N.Y. I got to work with some of my idols and got to attend the Christina Aguilera auditions. I had so much fun. I am really blessed cause my mom let me go again to L.A. but my most favorite experience this time was being able to meet Mya. This was an unforgettable experience.
Jestiena Salmon 4 time Summer in L.A. and Broadway Bound Dancer.

I had a great time on the program, I´m still trying to digest all the cool things we did! What you do is so amazing! Muchas gracias por todo!!
Carol Scrivener Summer in L.A Dancer

Desiree had the time of her life in LA, thanks for everything. Des is very grateful for the incredible week she had in LA. Desiree is very excited about seen Justin Timberlake. Thank you for selecting her to be your Rising Star and win the tickets.
Kimberly mom of Desiree Williams 4 time Summer in L.A Dancer

She absolutely LOVED SILA. It was the best time of her life, it really is a once in a lifetime experience.
Isabel Faibish mom of Jackie Summer in L.A. Dancer

SILA was an amazing experience and I got a lot out of it. Going to L.A. and seeing it all was the amazing thing, but being able to go with kids your age and people that enjoy the same thing as you is really inspiring. Makes you feel more driven towards what you want.
Anna Bilotta Summer in L.A Dancer

I had a fabulous time, and truly learned a lot about the industry and more importantly myself. Thanks to you Diana, and the Be Discovered program I feel more ready than ever to start preparing my future career as a dancer! I am honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to take part in this experience.
Jessica Joseph Summer in L.A Dancer

I miss NYC, you Diana and the other dancers and family’s so much I just want to thank you. This really helped me decide things I do and do not want to put my time and hard work into. Thank you for the amazing trip it was worth all the fundraising and money. Thank you so much. Love always Shelbie. I just wanted you to know how much she LOVED the experience. She was in tears talking about how wonderful it was, and all the awesome girls she met. She said she never felt like she fit in anywhere in her life, the way she did last week…with people that share her passion and her drive for dance. Thank you so so much for having this. It was amazing, and she truly learned a lot about not only the industry, but herself as well. Thanks again…
Brandi – Mom of Shelbie Lebron Broadway Bound! Dancer

I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this amazing experience. I had a really fun time working with all the famous choreographers and I learned so much. All the girls I danced with were so nice and it was fun seeing my L.A friends again. I hope to work with you again someday in the future.
Alyssa Passero Broadway Bound! and 2 time Summer in L.A. Dancer

Please know that dance is Rhea's heart and she had a wonderful experience. I have never seen her so "pumped" and happy, as she was at the end of each day. When I expected her to be exhausted, she was energetic and eager to tell her teacher and myself all that she had learned. She has noticed a difference in her stamina and she is eating healthier since we've been home. I know that she will take this experience with her forever.
Becky Hughes mom of Rhea Hughes Summer in L.A. Dancer

I was so excited about this adventure and I would love to do it again in the future. The week of SILA was very positive for myself and it helped me to grow more independently.
Cassandra Antonangeli, Summer in L.A. Dancer

Dancing is a huge part of who we are and you've shown us that no matter what we do in life, we will be dancing. We had the most amazing time of our lives. Definitely worth it and there is no other program like Be Discovered's. Mom was really happy about our experience. We can truly say that it was life changing
Stephanie & Amanda Tam Summer in L.A. Dancers

The week was an incredible learning experience for our entire family. We see how it benefits them, and how much they grow from these experiences. This is what life is about, and we want our kids to feel that if they have a dream, we will be with them every step of the way. Thanks again for offering a fabulous program for these aspiring young people and for another AMAZING experience that Haley will never, ever forget.
Michelle Vaux, mom of Haley Broadway Bound! and Summer in L.A. Dancer

Abbi made it home safe and sound full of excitement and many stories to tell. She found it so rewarding. She is passionate about this in her life and would love to work in the industry. Thank you Diana with much sincerity. Abbi had high praise for the program and for your leadership. She was grateful for the chance to be challenged and got much satisfaction from that. She would love to work with you in the future.
Louise Longmire, Abbi Longmire mom

My experience in NY and L.A. were ones to remember. I learned so much from all the choreographers, and my versatility has widened. I got to try new styles and new techniques which I loved doing. They opened my eyes and put everything into perspective. It pushed me to see that you can always work to be better. The whole atmosphere was inspiring and I can’t explain anymore how wonderful, exciting and educational these trips were.
Thank you very much once again.
Thank you very much once again.
Angelica Migliazza 2 time Summer in L.A. and Broadway Bound! Dancer

Thank you so much for another amazing experience!! I really feel it helps me in every way possible. I also feel that this industry is for me.
Maddie Dawson – 2 time Broadway Bound! Dancer and 4 time Summer in L.A. Dancer

I am always looking at ways of improving my dance training so that I may better my skills for my students. Dancing has always been part of my life and I get my inspiration from other aspiring teachers, choreographers and students. I cannot thank the staff of Be Discovered enough for giving me this chance to further my skills and guiding me step by step on how to become a professional. Many of the choreographers and dancers told us how lucky we are to have a company like Be Discovered to help us reach our dreams. These professionals wish they had what we have when they first started in the industry. Be Discovered is there to guide aspiring and talented dancers. They want us to succeed, and they have all the contacts and information you need to be closer to your dreams.